Topic: Business
Time Investment: 5 Minutes
Suggested Product: BizRevamp®
I get to do this.
I get to run in 10-degree weather.
I get to deal with business taxes.
You’re probably thinking I’ve had one too many craft beers with that last sentence, huh?
Well this past week we got some snow, like a lot of the Eastern seaboard and Midwest received. Well, if you’ve followed me for any length of time you know that I’ve been training for multisport (aquathlon and triathlon). This year I get the honor of representing Team USA at Worlds in Canada.
So I have to train. No..remember what I said?…I GET to train.
But yet, I can still be a huge chicken you-know-what sometimes. So I decided to skip a run in the snow and work on biking.
Then about 15 minutes into my ride I had a realization. This is 2017. It’s been 10 years (and 4 babies) since I went into remission.
While my cancer was relatively cut and dry (surgeries + radiation) to take care of, it still left an impact. A little voice in the back of my head all the time saying – “You GET to do this, you don’t HAVE to do it.” Whatever IT may be.
But after 30-minutes on the inside bike, I thought that this realization is worthy of more than an indoor ride. I slipped outside and into the snow for a good run. I ran through blinding snow and wind. Then it eased off as I got over by my favorite place to be – by the water. Completely calm water with a lighter and whiter variation of color than normally seen. Crystal smooth. So serene. So fitting for how I felt.
Going through a major life event doesn’t mean that you’re grateful for everything everyday. It still takes work. That is human nature.
But it’ll hit at weird moments.
In fact, when they told me the news of the cancer and that I needed more scans to make sure it hadn’t spread beyond that one mass – the only thing that really scared me was the idea of not being my kid’s mom.
I wasn’t afraid of dying.
But now, if it happened – even though I’ve lived a full life, I would also be sad to be walking that path. Because there is so much I have done that shows me there is also so much more to do.
Snuggle more. Love more. Hug more. Run more.
I jokingly think some of it is FOMO – but really it is just loving and living life.
But I also take seriously my privilege to be a business owner. And for that reason, I must protect it. Not play around and believe nothing ever bad will happen to me.
I could be sued. You could be sued.
I could work work work and not profit. Some of you probably are.
I could be audited. And not know where a damn scrap of my information is.
I could get fined for not having proper business formation. You could too – and you’d need to hire an attorney quickly for help.
I don’t want any of this for me. Or for you.
Remember – we GET to do this. We get to be business owners.
This doesn’t mean we have to love every single task that we do. We just have to protect our business so we GET to do it.
We GET to do this. Let’s do it together. Click here.
Rachel Brenke, TheLawTog®
p.s. Enrollment opened for BizRevamp® and Marketing Madness today. These are my two webcourses that can help fix whatever ails you so that you GET to continue doing your business.