Starting a photography business is exciting, but setting up a business is so super important! We need to make sure...
As tax time approaches, all small business owners should be thinking about tax deductions! Depending on the business structure and...
Taxes as an independent contractor Tax season is upon us…yay? Maybe… this is your first year of running your...
They say two things in life are certain: death and taxes. While having to pay taxes IS certain, it isn’t...
WHAT IS A W-9? Form W-9 is a common used from with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a...
Topic: Taxes & AccountingTime Investment: 30 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Taxes and accounting can be daunting. But, we’ve got your back! Here are...
Topic: Business Planning Time Investment: 7 minutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® We see photographers just setting up their business every day. We...
Topic: Business, General LegalTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Do you ever feel like there is a secret sorority...
Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 9 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®, Accounting Spreadsheet Let’s face it. We may love what we do and relish being business...
Topic: Taxes & AccountingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Accounting Spreadsheet It’s likely you’ve heard about the new tax legislation –...
Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Outsourcing some of the more technical components of your business to another professional...
This is a combined list of products recommended and used by TheLawTog® team. If you have any others you recommend,...
Topic: Taxes & AccountingTime Investment: 10 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Heading to some fabulous destination and wondering if you can write off your...
Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Now that you’ve taken the plunge and created your photography LLC,...
Get simplified and organized with this “more than an accounting” spreadsheet for photographers! These spreadsheets went through a...
Topic: Taxes & AccountingTime Investment: 3 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Trying to keep with receipts, tax deductions and money management is...
Topic: Taxes & Accounting Time Investment: 6 minutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® As some of you may have seen from past...
Topic: Business, MarketingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Money can be great when you have it, but it can also be...
Topic: Taxes & AccountingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Get Legit Education Bartering is the trading of one product or service...
Topic: Business Time Investment: 8 minutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Nobody starts a business planning on going on filing for bankruptcy. But sometimes, despite...
Topic: Business Time Investment: 6 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Here we are wrapping up the series on avoiding the pricing game! We’ve gone...
Topic: Pricing & Sales, MarketingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® The pricing game is becoming increasingly harder to fight as...
Topic: Pricing & Sales, MarketingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Sales Contract Bundle, BizRevamp® With the lowered barrier to entry in the...
Topic: Business, Accounting Time Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Accounting Spreadsheet for Photographers For small businesses, organizing accounts and keeping track of...