Starting a photography business is exciting, but setting up a business is so super important! We need to make sure...
Unlike personal portrait or retail photography, commercial photography should be approached differently. Deciding what to charge and a quote for...
Topic: Commercial LicensingTime Investment: 32 Minutes Check out: Commercial Contracts Commercial photography, licensing and copyright ownership are overwhelming yet very-needed-to-know...
Topic: Business Time Investment: 6 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® It's time to make this photography thing serious. You log onto social media...
I love helping other entrepreneurs. Business to Business. . .YES, please! I thrive off helping others get a piece of that...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment:Suggested Product: Copyright Transfer AgreementI read it on the internet, so it's got to be true, right? WRONG. ...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® Hey you — yeah, you! Have you ever thought about copyrighting your business assets? You HAVEN’T?!?...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 5 minutesSuggested Product: Third Party Infringement Pursuance We've all seen the photo. Some of us even made some of...
Topic: Commercial Copyright TransferTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: Commercial contract, Commercial license, Copyright Transfer documentCommercial copyright transfer is greatly common, especially when the resulting...
Topic: Copyright Time Investment: 3 Minutes Suggested Product: Ultimate Copyright Kit Recently, Rachel Brenke, head of TheLawTog® and owner at Connors and Brenke, took on...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: Ultimate Copyright Kit You may have heard that fair use is a defense to copyright infringement,...
Topic: Commercial PhotographyTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Commercial Licensing Course A situation that is more common than you might expect occurs...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: Ultimate Copyright Kit Before you give up and go find something else to read, we need...
Topic: Commercial Licensing, Wedding PhotographyTime Investment: 6 MinutesSuggested Product: Wedding Vendor Photography License It can be as simple as a...
Topic: LegalTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles You are so excited. Your daughter was just cast as the lead in...
As we know, only a copyright holder has the exclusive rights to a creative work, and only they can grant...
Topic: LicensingTime Investment: 8 MinutesSuggested Product: Commercial Contract Bundle Music is one of the most regulated and restricted areas...
Topic: Copyright, LicensingTime Investment: 9 MinutesSuggested Product: Commercial Contract Bundle Understanding copyright law and music licensing can be about as...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 5 minutesSuggested Product: Payment Plan Contract Despite the many status updates, frantic forum postings, and articles by photography...
Topic: Business, PaymentsTime Investment: 5 minutesSuggested Product: Payment Plan Contract In the famous words of Biggie Smalls, “Damn, [PayPal]...