Is a non-refundable deposit actually non-refundable? Maybe not. Especially if you as the photographer breach (or terminate) the contract. A...
Starting a photography business is exciting, but setting up a business is so super important! We need to make sure...
Unlike personal portrait or retail photography, commercial photography should be approached differently. Deciding what to charge and a quote for...
Podcasts have taken the Internet by storm. The accessibility of creating one has lowered the barrier of who can...
As tax time approaches, all small business owners should be thinking about tax deductions! Depending on the business structure and...
Taxes as an independent contractor Tax season is upon us…yay? Maybe… this is your first year of running your...
They say two things in life are certain: death and taxes. While having to pay taxes IS certain, it isn’t...
Topic: Trademark, CopyrightTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® "We would love a Minnie Mouse session!" "Ohhh, can you do a Superman...
This article will be updated as new information is released. Be sure to sign up with TheLawTog for free tutorials...
The entirety of any photography contract is extremely important for a business, but there are crucial touchpoints in the photography...
Photographers often wonder if their prices are the reason their business isn’t doing as well as they would like...
The E-Sign Act (15 U.S.C. 7001) legalized electronic signatures in the United States and allows you to send...
With Hurricane Florence barreling toward the Carolinas and Virginia we wanted to share some disaster prep information with you. First...
Canceling a contract is something you may have to do once or twice in your career. Here we put...
Some of the most common photography questions are about insurance. Below you will find helpful articles that will help...
Okay, friends - we gotta chat. This question I'm asking you is a HOT topic that I see a...
Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 4 minutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles Should I take a retainer/deposit? Yes. Always. You want to...
The #1 mistake most photographers make that puts them in legal trouble. It honestly is not what you think.. In...
We see it time and time again in social media groups. Misinformation told that if you haven't made more...
Topic: Client RelationsTime Investment: 1 MinuteSuggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles Yes there is no audio on this video for...
Topic: Business Time Investment: 6 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® It's time to make this photography thing serious. You log onto social media...
WHAT IS A W-9? Form W-9 is a common used from with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a...
Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 2 MinutesSuggested Product: Photography Contract Bundles Y’all know from listening to me that contracts are important....
Topic: OutsourcingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: Photo Editor Contract Hiring a photo editor can help increase your profit margin, maximize your time, and help grow your photography business. ...