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Official Goodbye Notice - TheLawTog®

Official Goodbye Notice

8 years. 25k+ customers. 600+ educational blog posts. 45k group members. 2 CreativeLive presentations.  More appearances than I can count....

What if I am not vaccinated as a photographer? - TheLawTog®

What if I am not vaccinated as a photographer?

Topic: General LegalTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product:  Client Issue Email Templates   What if I am an unvaccinated photographer? Do...

You don’t have to do this - TheLawTog®

You don’t have to do this

Topic: BusinessTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®   I get to do this.I get to run in 10-degree weather. I get...

How I failed at Corporate America - TheLawTog®

How I failed at Corporate America

Topic: Business, PersonalTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®   Sitting at a cubicle staring into my fourth cup of coffee (no...


How having children ruined my business dreams

Topic: Business, PersonalTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product:  All-in-One Contract Bundles   I remember the day that I realized my children had ruined...

Quit Envying. Start Doing. - TheLawTog®

Quit Envying. Start Doing.

Topic: PersonalTime Investment: 7 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®   I envy you “I envy you” said the hotel clerk as she checked us...

How outsourcing can benefit your photography business - TheLawTog®

How outsourcing can benefit your photography business

Topic: OutsourcingTime Investment: 5 minutesSuggested Product: Outsourcing Resources You might have heard of outsourcing, but you’re not really sure how to implement...

Never forget - TheLawTog®

Never forget

Happy 4th of July!! - TheLawTog®

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July! Prayers to all our military service members home, overseas and those that have given the ultimate...

Never Give Up: Encouragement to keep growing - TheLawTog®

Never Give Up: Encouragement to keep growing

Topic: Marketing, PersonalTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles   Nothing hard hitting...just  wanted to offer some encouragement! We all...

Turning obstacles into springboards - TheLawTog®

Turning obstacles into springboards

Topic:  Business, Marketing, Personal Time Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®   Within the last two weeks, I've had the opportunity to...

I am not the Walmart of photographers - TheLawTog®

I am not the Walmart of photographers

Topic: MarketingTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product:  BizRevamp® I wrote a blog post that was spurred out of frustration for the industry,...

Regrets are okay as long as you learn from them - TheLawTog®

Regrets are okay as long as you learn from them

Topic: PersonalTime Investment: 5 MinutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp®   I don’t have many regrets in my life, but this picture symbolizes one...

  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors
  • $00 Product Title 3 colors