The old saying - An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure - reigns true when dealing...
Topic: Intellectual PropertyTime Investment: 3 minutesSuggested Product: Intellectual Property Acknowledgement The 2021 edition of Washington D.C.’s Best Lawyers was released on September 17,...
Topic: BrandingTime Investment: 18 minutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Essentials Portrait Photography Contract Bundle The current pandemic has caught a lot of us off guard....
Topic: Real Estate PhotographyTime Investment: 3 MinutesSuggested Product: Real Estate Contract Bundle Are you a real estate photographer looking for business inspiration? Rachel Brenke,...
Topic: Pandemic Protection, Covid-19Time Investment: 3 MinutesSuggested Product: Covid Resources and journalist, Amanda Loudin, quoted our head honcho – Rachel...
Topic: Wedding Cancellations Time Investment: 3 minutes Suggested Product: Cancellation Contract Bundle Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, small businesses have been greatly impacted....
Topic: Pandemic Planning, Covid 19Time Investment: 15 MinutesSuggested Product: Covid-19 Legal Document Bundle, BizRevamp® Megan Breukelman recently invited Rachel on her...
Topic: Setting up your businessTime Investment: 7 minutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp Check out Rachel, founder of TheLawTog®, who recently appeared on The...
Topic: CopyrightTime Investment: 60 minutesSuggested Product: Ultimate Copyright Kit Recently, Mike Howard and the team from jpeg2RAW asked Rachel...
Topic: Starting Your BusinessTime Investment: 9 minutesSuggested Product: BizRevamp® “Starting a photography business is extremely easy with the accessibility and affordability...
Topic: Setting Up Your Business Time Investment: 16 minutes Suggested Product: BizRevamp® Head on over to Mozi Mag and pick up the January 2014 Maternity issue to...
Topic: Photography BusinessTime Investment: 3 minutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Photography Contract Bundles Mark your calendars! I’m excited to announce...
Topic: Contracts, BusinessTime Investment: 3 MinutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles Thanks to Jamie over at The Modern Tog for...
Topic: Photography BusinessTime Investment: 3 minutesSuggested Product: All-in-One Photography Contract Bundles I’m so excited to announce I’m returning to...