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As Seen: WordPress Photography Podcast - Pivot and Shift - TheLawTog®

As Seen: WordPress Photography Podcast - Pivot and Shift

Topic: Branding
Time Investment: 18 minutes
Suggested Product: All-in-One Essentials Portrait Photography Contract Bundle

The current pandemic has caught a lot of us off guard. As a result, many of us have had to adapt our ways of business.  Scott Wyden Kivowitz asked Rachel to come on the WordPress Photography Podcast to talk about some of the impacts the pandemic has had on the photography industry and in Rachel's own businesses.

 Episode 113 – Pivot and Shift with Rachel Brenke



One of the things with contracts is it’s almost the minimum of what you can do. You can always go above and beyond it. You just can’t take away from that. And I want y’all to kind of shift and pivot your mind to look at contracts in that way that it creates a structure that sets the expectations all in one place, so hopefully there’s no miscommunications. It governs if there’s an issue, but it’s the minimum that you have to do. So once you have that foundation, then you can decide if you want to offer customer service. ~Rachel Brenke


Key points to listen for:

  • General shifts in the photo industry specific to the pandemic
  • The importance of hiring the right attorney for your specific business needs
  • How Rachel’s own businesses have been impacted and how she’s adapted
  • How Rachel has coped both mentally and physically during the pandemic


Where to listen: