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5 Ways to maintain professionalism on the web - TheLawTog®

5 Ways to maintain professionalism on the web

Topic: Business, Marketing
Time Investment: 5 Minutes
Suggested Product:  BizRevamp®


I've been wanting to write this for awhile, but I was afraid people would think I was being mean! See, the entire essence of the post!  In today's digital era, communications are confined to digital methods, but that doesn't mean professionalism should fall to the wayside due to the method. Your online communication is the same as the clothing you wear in front of your client. Is it what you want your clients and colleagues to perceive?

I *shamefully* admit that I have probably committed one or all of these on a daily basis - we're human!  Being vigilant and recognizing the need is half the battle!


Here are five quick ways to ensure you're maintaining professionalism on the web.

1.  Watch your punctuation and capitalization

Punctuation can change the entire tone of a message! (I'm a habitual exclamation point user, admittedly!)  This is true when interacting with fellow vendors, photographers and clients alike.

"I didn't get your response." can turn into "I didn't get your response!?" and sound agitated/harsh on the web.  True, it's on both the writer and reader to manage the tone in which it is interpreted, however, we as the writers can head off any negative readings; just watch punctuation!

Seriously though, it can come across negative, just like the punctuation.


2.  Watch abbreviations

Not everyone is up on the photography lingo.  Spell it out, especially when writing clients. SOOC for us may mean something totally different to a client or even a newer photographer!


3.  Remember who is watching

This is a huge one! Especially when the majority of business is enacted on the web.  Say for instance, I go into a store and overhear someone say, "I haven't heard back from you" or "I haven't gotten my product."  I just entered the store. I don't know how long you've been waiting or if there was a back order or a legitimate reason (like a death or family illness) that may have gotten in the way.  I encourage you to confine your communications on public forums and business fan pages to information that won't shed a negative light on the vendor and yourself.  It could be an innocent miscommunication and potentially cause a loss of business and bad marketing to a vendor or fellow photographer.

If it is a case where the individual isn't responding, seek alternatives just to be sure! But I'd hate to be a negative nancy that potentially loses a sale for someone because I didn't seek out these alternatives.


4.  Don't use Facebook or Twitter direct messages

Many may disagree with me on this, but I believe in keeping a professional front as much as possible. So utilize your custom email address! Don't conduct business via direct messages; instead, direct people to your email. No matter what though, it makes it easier.  :)


5.  Be mindful

Most importantly, be mindful that people have lives outside of the internet! Especially for photographers that often have other careers and/or families at home to care for.  Be respectful and allow people a sufficient time to respond.  If they haven't, gently remind them because technology does mess up and it doesn't get to them!  Just because they are updating their social media doesn't mean they are working! There are drip campaigns or even "on the go" techniques that allow one to keep the social media marketing going but they may not have had access to respond.

Marketing is in everything, including your communications.
Be watchful and professional!

Obviously, this isn't all inclusive and I'm not immune from these...just a few tips I wanted to share with y'all!