Top best FREE resources for photographers

Jun 11, 2013

Topic: Business
Time Investment: 8 Minutes
Suggested Product:  BizRevamp®

We’ve talked a bit about how to avoid the pricing game and controlling business costs but how else can you stay competitive without losing your profit margin?  Easy!  Seek out some of the best resources available to you free of charge!  Now…I am a big advocate of normally you get what you pay for.  For most things in life. Including business information.  However, being a business consultant and blogger myself, I have noticed how much content is put out to help photogs.  It’s incredible.  Not all of it is good though, so I’ve cut through a lot of fluff to compile a list of the top best FREE resources for photographers.

While saving for education and 1:1 help from an experienced business consultant or photographer is probably is your best bet, why not take a gander at some of the free content available at your fingertips in the mean time!


1. Pricing for Profit 15 Page Workbook

In this free Pricing for Profit 15 page workbook, Joy Vertz has broken down some of the mistakes she has made over the years and how to overcome them to be on your way to being more profitable and make more money!  Check it out here


2. 5 Common Mistakes That Lose You Business eBook

In this ebook, The Modern Tog has identified 5 common mistakes that people make that cause them to lose business and created a free eBook as a free gift for all of our email followers!  Also check out the free pricing series while you’re there too!  Check it out here 


3. Photography Spark Blog 

Zach Prez, SEO and web marketing guru, brings a ton of great resources to his blog, Photography Spark. While you’re there check out my article on the legalities of a photography business.  P.S. His SEO Cookbook serves up quite the best recipes for gaining SEO and web exposure!  While the cookbook is a monetary add-on to the free blog resource, it is well worth the investment!  Check it out here


4. 10 Tips to Supercharge Your Photography Website Free eBook

Certain photography website components are crucial to the survival of the photographer’s business. Photocrati has produced a free ebook with topics including the functionality, design, social capability, portfolio, content, search engine optimization and others related to a photography website.  Snag it here


5. Psychology for Photographers Blog 

Wanting to know more about what clients are thinking and how to work with their psychology?  Jenika brings psychology and photography together to deliver a bunch of free resources through blogs and eBooks.  She also is author of from Portfolio to Profit Engine – a step-by-step guide to to building a website to work with the psychology of your clients!  Check it out here


6. Photography Concentrate Blog

This husband/wife team blog brings lots of awesome information and tutorials on their site.  Having a married couple team helps to bring some varying perspectives and alternate methods of presentation for a well-rounded blog that is stock-full of easy-to-understand info!  Check them out here

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