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Top 9 Pricing and Sales Tips For Your Photography Business - TheLawTog®

Top 9 Pricing and Sales Tips For Your Photography Business

Topic: Pricing & Sales
Time Investment: 23 minutes
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As we roll toward the end of the year, it is likely you are thinking about your plans for next year – your pricing and sales strategies in particular. Maybe you are considering how to implement your business plan so that you reach your business goals. We wanted to make sure you had our top pricing and sales tips for your photography business because we want to see you succeed!

Pricing is a key piece to a more profitable & successful photography business.

Just like you, we know that determining pricing isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s downright overwhelming; but the fact is, effectively and appropriate pricing is essential for sustainable growth of your photography business.  We have put together this round-up of articles so that you get the answers you need to be ready for the new year; ready to build a profitable photography business and ready to take your biz to the next level!


Top 9 Pricing and Sales Tips For Your Photography Business

When should I reveal my photography pricing? (video)
How to make print sales the easiest way possible
7 Tips for simple, efficient, & profitable in-person sales
4 Tips to making sales without being salesy
Sales strategy: Using online galleries for efficiency & success
What should I charge for photo prints?
Avoiding the pricing game in photography
Top 5 tips for great in-person ordering experiences with your clients
4 tips on how to price your photography for success

We break down each of these tips and articles below to help you prioritize, but first: To kick off this pricing series we are giving you a workbook to help you get thinking & planning!  Just enter your info below & we will send you an immediate download you can print!

Make sure that you bookmark this page, pin it to Pinterest, share it with your biz bestie, and grab a notepad to take notes because you’re going to want to make sure you can refer back later! Get ready to receive a wealth of knowledge!


Top 9 Pricing & Sales Tips For Your Photography Business

Leave the reinvention of the wheel to other people! We’ve pulled together nine of the best articles on pricing and sales – if you invest time in educating yourself and implement effectively, they will help you increase both revenue and profit. The level of results will be found in how you execute!


When should I reveal my photography pricing? (video)

Is pricing a marketing tool or a sales tool? How you view this question will have a big impact on when you reveal your photography pricing. This article helps you answer the important strategic questions so that you can make the right decision about the timing of revealing your photography pricing for your business. This is also the article to read if you’re looking for a discussion of the how and why of prequalifying clients.


How to make print sales the easiest way possible

Many photographers choose to deliver digital only because they worry about how  If your end goal is to make print sales there are a few ways to guarantee print sales – yes, we did just say guarantee. So how does that work? Honestly, most of it boils down to the psychology and how you make pricing and packages work for you. Time to learn more about increasing sales and profit with print sales!


7 Tips for simple, efficient, & profitable in-person sales

You may have heard that in-person sales are the most profitable way to run a portrait photography business – data from successful photographers bears this out. This is because with a professional to guide them, clients are much more confident in purchasing larger, more expensive prints to decorate their home. We know that in-person sales take time, but the result is increased revenue for you and more satisfied clients. In this article, we teach you how to make sales sessions simple, efficient, and most importantly, profitable!


4 Tips for making sales without being salesy

Maybe you’re like me, I hate feeling like I’m being salesy. I’d rather help people, but I know I have to make sales (especially upsells) to keep growing in my business.  So how do I do this?  How do I get uncomfortable and sell without making people feel like they are being sold to? Is it possible to upsell and ensure my clients have an amazing experience? I need tips for making sales without being salesly!


Sales strategy: Using online galleries for efficiency & success

In other articles in this pricing guide, we talk about the value of in-person sales, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make the most of an online gallery in your sales funnel and workflow! Let us share in detail the factors to consider when ramping up the revenue potential of your online gallery, the must-have functions of an online gallery platform, and how to articulate your online-gallery sales strategy as part of your business planning! I wanna make money while I sleep!


What should I charge for photo prints?

This the $$$ questions isn’t it?! Rachel offers a step by step guide to the factors you need to consider when determining your pricing levels for photo prints. If you’re interested in an approach that cuts to the heart of what you need to focus on to develop appropriate pricing and business plans – then it’s time to explore what to charge for photo prints!


Avoiding the pricing game in photography

We believe that it is time that photographers quit lowering their pricing and their standards in order to bring clients in the door. We want to help you avoid the pricing game. But how? We offer a few marketing tips for photographers that will assist in avoiding the price game with the added bonus of meeting your business goals and initiating an increase in the value of photography in our communities. Show the hand to the pricing game forever!


Top 5 tips for great in-person ordering experiences with your clients

Even if you don’t like “sales” or shy away from being “salesy” that doesn’t mean you can’t be highly successful and have incredible sales figures. To be highly successful in terms of sales, you need to know how to appeal to your clients in a way that makes them both want and need what you have to offer.  We want to share our top 5 tips for creating a client experience to make the in-person ordering experience one they will remember for all the right reasons!


4 tips on how to price your photography for success

Want step by step guidance on how to price your photography? This is the article that steps you through how to make the most of pricing psychology for your business. Many photographers fail to fulfill their potential because they overprice, underprice, or worse of all – don’t price at all! Don’t try to go it alone or feel like you need to reinvent the wheel – especially when you can learn from both our mistakes and our successes! Time to get our pricing on!