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The Bogus Facebook Disclaimer You Need to Avoid!

Topic: Business
Time Investment: 4 Minutes
Suggested Product:  Website Terms Bundle


Here is an example of a legal disclaimer that keeps circling the interwebs and business owners are copying/pasting without knowing what it really means.   I’m sure you guys have seen this disclaimer being posted – in fact it has been going around for YEARS. I just chuckle because it means nothing at all!  You’re doing nothing more than filling your feed with a “chain letter”, so to speak.


In fact Snopes even picked up on this in 2013 – you can read their analysis here.

Facebook users cannot retroactively negate any of the privacy or copyright terms they agreed to when they signed up for their accounts, nor can they unilaterally alter or contradict any new privacy or copyright terms instituted by Facebook, simply by posting a contrary legal notice on their Facebook walls. Moreover, the fact that Facebook is now a publicly traded company (i.e., a company that has issued stocks which are traded on the open market) or an “open capital entity” has nothing to do with copyright protection or privacy rights. Any copyright or privacy agreements users of Facebook have entered into with that company prior to its becoming a publicly traded company or changing its policies remain in effect: they are neither diminished nor enhanced by Facebook’s public status.  – Snopes

I agree with it!  Not much else to say other than make sure you’re listening to legit disclaimers and information (such as these posts on Facebook TOS that may affect you and your business) and not some crazy random legal hoopla you read on the interwebs!