How to photograph shaped Christmas tree bokeh

Dec 11, 2013

Topic: Tutorials
Time Investment: 5 Minutes
Suggested Product:  All-in-One Contract Bundles

As if the sparkle from a Christmas tree isn’t enough we’ve got this fun & easy to follow tutorial on how to photograph Christmas tree lights into shapes.

Go on … have some fun & pull out the construction paper.  This one would also be fun to let the kiddos participate in.



Step #1 Cut 1/2″ shape into piece of paper

It is recommended that you use a black piece of paper, but you can use colored to help add a tint to the scene.



Step #2 Attach to lens

Attach the piece of paper to the lens with tape or a rubber band.


Step #3 Set lens settings

Set your lens aperture (fstop) to the lowest number possible (1.4-2.2).


Step #4 Turn off lens auto-focus

Switch off your auto-focus on the lens and manually manipulate the scene to be blurry.

Before/After Here is an example of the before and after!



See also: How to photograph Christmas tree lights 



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