Topic: Marketing
Time Investment: 5 Minutes
Suggested Product: BizRevamp®
I know it seems like Valentine’s Day is far away, but if you’re wanting boudoir/glamor bookings for Valentine’s Day, you need to get a plan in place, NOW.
The best thing would be to get this done BEFORE holiday vacation that way you don’t wake up from your food coma in January and realize it’s too late to get anything in place, lose out on bookings, lose out on sales, and then have regrets (again) and say to yourself “Well, I can always plan next year.”
Simply read these easy tips I’m about to share with you so that you can have an amazing plan in place to get the bookings and money you WANT this Valentine’s Day.
1) Set Your Goal:
What is your goal for marketing this Valentine’s Day? Is it a number of bookings in the months of Jan and Feb? Is it doubling the amount of money you made in Jan or Feb last year? Is it getting return clients? Is it getting NEW faces in the door?
Whatever your goal might be, figure it out and write it out.
TIP: I recommend making a “Google doc” in Google Drive and titling it “Valentine’s Day Marketing 20xx.” This way you can keep your whole plan together and refer back to it in years to come.
2) Create Your Plan:
Once you know what your goal is and you know what you’re aiming for, you can start to create a plan. Your plan is going to start with knowing your end goal. Say to yourself “what will I need to do to reach the goal I have set?”
Think about when you want these marketing efforts to start running and when they should stop. Also you should know when the LAST DAY you can take a booking in order for them to get their gift in time for Valentine’s Day will be. We all use different labs and have different turn around times, so use what will work best for you!
Ideas for spreading the word about booking boudoir for V-day:
- e-newsletter
- social media
- another business’ newsletter or social media (scheduled emails and scheduled social media posts using V-day themed templates to save time)
- doing gift bags (with an expiration date on the gift cards that will get them booking for V-day)
- perhaps run a special of some kind with a good deadline so it gets them booking before your cut off date
- gift with purchase (we’ve done this with purses in the past – book a shoot before x/y/z and get this gift item)
Challenge: I challenge you to come up with 5 of your own marketing ideas. Get out a sheet of paper and brainstorm, have fun with it!
3) Take Action:
Once you have your ideas thought out, I want you to start putting them into action! Mark on your business calendar the dates of your “V-day Marketing Efforts” and when you are going to take action on your marketing.
Tips for taking action:
- scheduled emails
- schedule social media posts (when wording these put yourself in your potential clients shoes. What would make her want to book?)
- design up or edit templates that you can market with
- put on calendar
- set reminders/tasks so that you actually do it
Just posting once to your Facebook page, “hey book for v-day before x/y/zz is NOT enough! I want to challenge you to follow the steps above and make this your best V-day promotion yet and to reach those goals you have set for yourself and your business!
So set your goals, plan, take action, and have fun with it! You’ll be ALL smiles once you see the V-day bookings rolling in!
Guest post by Molly Marie of Boudie Shorts