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Top 14 tips for photographers just setting up their business (Part 2) - TheLawTog®

Top 14 tips for photographers just setting up their business (Part 2)

Topic: Business Planning
Time Investment: 7 minutes
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We see photographers just setting up their business every day. We want you to know that you are not alone. We have a wide range of resources and information to help you educate and equip yourself to establish your business on the right legal and business footing. We know sometimes legal and business topics can seem daunting, but don’t look away. Take your time and work through the articles here and in Part 1. Your time is important and we consider you educating and equipping yourself as you are getting started an investment that will pay dividends as you grow as a business owner and a photographer!


Here are the last 7 articles in this series for photographers just setting up their business:


Did you miss Part 1 of this series? You can find it here! 

Let’s look at each of the articles in a little more detail. We want you to be able to prioritize which ones to start with – we think they are all helpful, but sometimes you just want to start with the one that jumps out at you!


How having a legit photography business can make you more money

Did you know that having your business on a good legal footing, can make you more money? In this article, we explain why and how. Don’t worry, we can also help you with sorting out all the legal stuff. If being legit makes me the moola, then I’m not a fool(a).


3 Tips to control your business costs

A dollar here and a dollar there doesn’t seem like much, but believe us when we say it all adds up! We have some tips and strategies to help you get a clear picture of your business costs and put some measures in place to make sure they don’t spiral out of control. Put a lid on business costs!


4 Steps to a logo that brings your photo business into focus

Photographers may think they’re represented by the photos they take, but a professional logo really sums up all your work in a simple, recognizable design. But where do you start? This article takes you through the process of selecting a logo step by step! The question is: does your logo bring your photo business into focus?


7 tips to help you balance business and family

If anyone has had to work through the challenges of learning how to balance business and family, it is Rachel Brenke. Mother of 5, practicing attorney, Ironman athlete, wife, photographer, and entrepreneur, she’s found strategies and tactics to help make each day count! Just like you, Rachel doesn’t think she has all the answers nor will she ever say she’s got it all together – but like you, she’s balancing business and family day by day!


5 Things I wish I understood coming into Business

Sometimes as prepared as we think we are, there are lessons we just could not have anticipated. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you can learn from our hard-fought lessons. These are not prescriptive, you are free to carry on your business as you see fit!  I want to learn from your mistakes.


5 Quick tips to reducing business costs

So the other day I saw an article which advised removing extra toilet paper from communal bathrooms so that people would psychologically use less and you can save some pennies. That’s not what we’re about! This is the third part of a three-part series about raising your revenue and your profits! Part 1 of this mini-series is how to approach clients and part 2 is how to control costs through budgeting. This article explores how to reduce business costs to keep your business competitive and increase your profit! Sometimes lower is better.


Legalities of running a business when you are not yet 18 years old

We see you. You’re a teen and you’re ready to launch your business and watch it take off! We want to help you do just that. We know that many minors have the talent, entrepreneurial drive, and ideas to create and build successful businesses, including photography businesses. But, what about all of the things you can’t yet do? How does a minor manage turning photography from a hobby into a successful business? I am not 18 yet, and I am a business owner.


Missed the first 7 tips? You can find them here!