Topic: Photography Tutorial
Time Investment: 4 Minutes
Suggested Product: All-in-One Contract Bundles
I’m not the first and I surely won’t be the last to blog about how to photograph a Christmas tree! I love bokeh, like REALLY love bokeh so I love when I get to play!
What you need:
- wide aperture lens
- tripod
- Husband willing to sit in the dark! (Kidding..not really)
- Patience - lots of patience!
Lo 1.0 ISO | F/16 | Shutter Speed 6 seconds
For a regular shot at the Christmas tree set up your tripod – this is critical!
Set your aperture as high f/stop number as it will go. Mine would only go to 16, some go to 32.
Also, utilize the lowest ISO possible.
Using a long exposure shutter speed helps to bring out the “light” from the tree. I was hand-holding (despite my recommendation for a tripod) so I was at 6 seconds for the photo above. If you set it for a longer exposure you will create a “light beam” effect from the lights.
ISO Lo 1 | Shutter Speed 1/6
To create some fun bokeh such as in the picture above and the ones below, kick your lens off of auto focus and into manual focus. Utilizing the same settings as I did above, I adjusted the F stop manually by the ring on the lens and watched my bokeh change :-)